Gathering in person @ UUSGS...

Recent changes to public health guidelines mean we have some collective decisions to make. UUSGS's leadership teams are looking for your input!
The spirit guiding this survey is relationship.  The purpose is to serve dialog within the congregation, specifically regarding feelings about gathering in person.  This is not a vote, per se; the decision of whether/when to open in-person sits with the congregation's elected leadership, the Board of Trustees.

As our ministry is shared, however, your thoughts & feelings truly matter.  Thank you in advance for your thoughtful participation!

Need technical help?  Conact Denise Benoit:
These first few questions ask you to reflect on your participation over the past 15 months, since UUSGS shifted most of its programs online.
Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
A range of responses is given for each of the following two questions.  Please choose the response that best matches your feelings.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.
The following questions are optional.  Your responses are confidential and will be interpreted in the aggregate.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.


Recent changes to public health guidelines mean we have some collective decisions to make. UUSGS's leadership teams are looking for your input!